Clinical Pharmacists (CPs) focus on patient medication and prescribing to help improve quality of care for people in Lincolnshire. CPs are a valuable asset to the primary care system in the county, working in General Practice, Care Homes and Urgent Care Centres.

There are currently 30 employed in primary care, carrying out a number of tasks, including refining prescribing policy, conducting patient medicine reviews and assisting GPs in extended access provision and out of hours surgeries.

As independent prescribers, CPs can also support some patients with long term conditions such as diabetes or coronary heart disease and provide independent clinics and appointments.

CPs ensure patients are seen quicker by clinicians with the right skill set to provide the right care and at the same time free up GP time to see patients with the most acute needs. It can also help reduce medicine waste, producing millions of pounds of savings for the NHS in Lincolnshire.