The last 12 month
Involved in the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccination programme at Louth County Hospital.
Recruitment of multidisciplinary team (MDT), including, clinical pharmacists, social link prescriber, and occupational therapist, to bring healthcare closer to people’s homes, enhancing healthcare in care homes and the community as well as improving GP access.
Utilisation of digital technology in the delivery of healthcare especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Piloting utilisation of paramedics to conduct home visits.
Continued provision of extended access / hours locally.
Care co-ordination service supporting frail and elderly, both at home and in care homes.
Collaborative working between practices and external organisations to improve the uptake and quality of annual health checks for people with learning disabilities.
The next 12 months
Develop services based on the needs of the population through the integration of care centred around our local hospital. We aim to achieve this by breaking down barriers between services and moving the provision of non-elective care from acute hospital setting into the community.
Our vision is that decisions about how services are arranged and delivered should be made as closely as possible to those who use them thus ensuring healthcare provision is tailored to local population needs.
Extend the service provision outlined in the Enhanced Health in Care Homes Directed Enhanced Service (DES) outside of care homes to the frail and vulnerable in their homes.
Developing and trialling new model of care that is efficient, effective and sustainable.
Integration of mental health services into our area. Establishment of mental health wellbeing hubs and the provision of mental Health practitioners and health and wellbeing coaches. Improving dementia diagnosis rates and provision of annual health checks for people living with serious mental illness.
What we are most proud of
The provision of a consultant-led dermatology clinics for rapid diagnosis of skin lesions at one of our GP practices in Louth. An example of left shift of services, moving care from hospitals closer to home or the community.